Friday, January 6, 2012

I love a good breakfast

Breakfast is probably my favourite meal of the day. I love eggs and would eat them everyday if I wasn't worried about cholesterol and all that other boring stuff.

After having eggs for about 6 days in a row while friend was here, I finished eggs run with this cleansing "granola" (meh, why can't they just call it MUESLI?) from FInc in Wakefield St, Wellington (conveniently located next to Karen Walker...)

It was heaven. Gold kiwi is my new favourtie fruit. Today was fresh tomato with s&p on English muffins. What's your fave breakfast?

My other favourite "cleanser" (am I conjuring up all sorts of images, right now? I hope so) is a good cup of herbal tea - this brew is a green tea blend with roses, pineapple etc. It was a Christmas present and is quite delicious. I drank whole teapot worth on own. Favourite herbal tea of all time is Tummy Tea - sold at T2. I need more herbal tea recommendations!

Pretty tea packaging - I'm all about the external aesthetics, ya know.

So today, on this first day of the weekend before worrrrkkkk I plan on enjoying the outdoors (come on blue sky, I know you can do it), doing some exercise of some sort and hanging with the whanau (N and the cat).

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